
"Intra inferos.....caelum"
"Paradise in Hell ?"


This musical work on audio support has been composed for Thiébaud Chagué to accompany his exhibition commissioned by the association “Expressions” (july/august 2013) .

My  approach follows a previous encounter with contemporary ceramic arts:   

-Encounter with IEAC (European Institute of Ceramic Arts in Guebwiller while I was a composer in residence at the” Dominicains de Haute- Alsace “(2004/2006 ) :

- Poems and various works linked with the creation of the opera “Aux sources du fleuve”.
-Project ”le Ventre de la terre “with Thiébaud Chagué in Sainte –Marie –aux-Mines.
-Musical accompaniment for Daniel de Montmollin ‘s exhibition at the Florival Museum in Guebwiller.
-Composition of “Chaos Fertile “melodies based on the texts written by this Potter ,Brother of the community of Taizé.

-Exhibition Olivia and Thiébaud Chagué in the Museum of Sarreguemines : musical composition for “Songe d’argile “(2008 ).

The attitude of Thiébaud Chagué differs from the most common one in contemporary ceramic art and is more to be compared with that of a sculptor,namely in his creation of large-sized works.

Sculpture has always inspired me. The analogy between “material” and ”sound material” is obvious.

-“Material “that one shapes , kneads or “ill-treats” with tools invented for the circumstance but often simply barehanded…

-Moreover, the Potter is the one who has the mastership of the kiln , genuine “revealing place”, that I could easily compare with orchestration or work on the sound.

The trilogy includes :

“The Potter and his kiln”(32')

womb in which the expected work Is gestating.
Worries , anxiety, future difficult to foresee…Hell…

“From Hell to Paradise” (12')

Rising up, dying once again, moving upwards.
Long trip, long way full of hazards
but along which the pilgrim will be guided by the jingling of small bells sounding
during the slow cooling down of the potter’s kiln (…..from Hell….. )
At last , the surging up speeds up…..

« Paradise » (8')

In the memories of crystalline harmonics,
the pilgrim is singing and dancing.
As if for a rite, his slow movements are mingling with the voices
of the welcoming angels.


Way of playing it :

As if Hell and Paradise were mingling, the three part A,B,C which compose the trilogy are played simultaneously, according to the following scheme :

A x 2 = 64 '
B x 6 = 72 '
C x 10 = 80 '

6 stereo tracks well-distributed in space are necessary.